MKU: In the Beginning...
The concept of MKU was initially conceived by six women. Three women: Chetachi Egwu, Adelechi Egwu and Edna Shaw continued the work to birth what MKU is today. These three dynamic women are revered as the conceptualizers of the organization.In the summer of 1995 these three women took Buffalo, New York by storm as they tirelessly promoted the need for an organization like MKU. By presenting open houses and interest meetings at local colleges and universities and participating in community forums, these women generated much interest in the new sisterhood. Our dignified sisterhood was founded at the State University of New York at Buffalo on June 16, 1995.Nsini Udo, Nedra Williams, Tamiko Bell, Jessica Lynch, Wendy Guzman, YolandaBeaton, Tanya Belgrave, Shirelle Duncan and Julie Ortiz were the first women to apply and successfully gain initiation into the sisterhood after a rigorous application and interview process with the conceptualizers and would later be known as the founders of MKU Sorority Inc. The conceptualizers and founders were comprised of eleven undergraduate women and one graduate woman who attended the State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo State College and Canisius College. The organization further flourished, actualized and was established on November 18, 1995 after all twelve women, (both the conceptualizers and founders) underwent and completed a challenging Rites of Passage process. Collectively, these twelve women are recognized as the renowned founders and QUEEN MOTHERS of MKU Sorority Inc.
MKU: Royalty Manifested...
The Queen Mothers worked hard to create a non-Greek lettered, Afrikan/Latino based organization where women could unite in knowing themselves, embracing their culture and giving back to their communities through support and services. Our sisterhood is a living reflection of the Queen Mothers’ ideals and initial intentions.
Today, Malikas are collegiate, graduate/alumnae and professional women, working towards educational, professional, spiritual, social and economic growth and development. As a driving force on the campuses of educational institutions and throughout communities, MKU Sorority, Inc. boasts amongst its membership educators, mothers, artists, business owners, entrepreneurs, writers, health care professionals, law professionals and most profoundly, women dedicated to the uplift of our communities. Our honorary members, the Honorary Mothers of KA are professional women who have left lasting impressions on their communities and have lived in a way that exemplifies the principles of our MKU. As such, these women have been conferred membership in our sisterhood.
Malika Kambe Umfazi is a sorority that encourages its members to develop lasting friendships and congenial relationships. At annual retreats, business conferences and reunions, the Queens of MKU gather to work together, celebrate, and foster the life-long bond of sisterhood.
MKU: Reaching Back...Pressing Forward...
The Revered Queens of MKU Sorority, Inc. believe that the purpose and intent for which we were founded are still relevant today. As we continue to develop ourselves, provide educational programming and partner with others to build our communities, we are demonstrating our commitment to the vision of our Queen Mothers. We are actively pursuing expansion efforts to ensure the growth of our sisterhood's membership and to extend our reach across the nation and the globe.